Pre-operative FAQ
When do I stop eating?
Nothing to eat or drink after midnight on the day prior to your procedure, including eating of breath mints, candy, ice or chewing gum
What if I smoke?
For tobacco users, refrain from smoking and tobacco use for 3 weeks prior to surgery
Should I take my medications?
Take your routine prescribed cardiac or hypertension medications with a small sip of water the morning of your procedure. (except diuretics or those drugs containing a diuretic)
If you are taking blood thinners, proceed as follows: (when cleared by your PCP and/or cardiologist)
Aspirin – You do not need to stop it for your procedure.
Warfarin/Coumadin, Plavix/Clopidogrel, Brilinta, Effient – Stop 5 days prior to your procedure.
Pradaxa, Eliquis, Xarelto, Savaysa – Stop 48 hours prior to your procedure.
Patients with history of asthma or emphysema should use inhalers per ROUTINE use & bring their inhalers with them to the surgery center or hospital on the day of the procedure.
Hold insulin & oral hypoglycemic in the morning of your procedure.
If you are insulin dependent, you should take ½ (one half) your normal PM dose the night before the procedure.
If you are insulin-pump dependent, you need to turn pump to basal at bedtime the night before the procedure.
What should I wear?
Wear clothing that will be comfortable and easy for you to put on in a sedate/sleepy state.
Should I shower and wear make up?
You may shower, shampoo your hair and brush your teeth.
PLEASE DO NOT wear cosmetics, eye make-up, lotions, fragrance, jewelry, piercings or valuables of any type.
If you are having surgery on your hand or foot, please remove any nail polish from these areas.
What about body piercing?
Please leave your valuables at home & remove any and all body piercing prior to your arrival to the facility
What if I wear contacts or glasses?
If you are a contact lens wearer, you may be asked to remove them prior to your procedure, so please bring your solution, storage case & your glasses with you.
If you have reading glasses, bring them with you.
Can I shave?
Do NOT shave or use a razor at the surgical site area for 2 days prior to your procedure.
Can I drive after my surgery?
If you are having an outpatient procedure, you need to have someone drive you home and stay with you for 24 hours following your procedure.
Please plan on having your driver remain with you for the entire procedure if at all possible.